Saturday, July 12, 2008

Connor is six months old

Wow cant believe Connor is six months old .He now weighs 6.2kgs and is 66cm long.He is now having solids once a day and has also had his first apple puree .We also had a lovely weekend with the family Dutton and managed a photo with all three children together.Connor can now go from tummy to back and back to tummy all on his own.He has his favourite toys now .

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Connors First Visit To England

Connor enjoyed his first trip to England. He got to meet his Great Nanny and his Great Grandad who both thought he was smashing. There is no picture with Great Nanny yet as we are having a few problems transfering the video we took to the computer but this will soon be available.

Connor also got to meet his Uncles Gary and Ken his Auntie Elaine and his cousins Marc, Emma, Jessica and Paul. He thought they were all lovely and they said he was fantastic too. Little Paul asked if they could keep him and Uncle Gary wanted to pack Connor in his suitcase and take him home.

Connor also got to stay at his Nanny´s house with mummy and daddy and Uncle Neil and he did really well sleeping in a new place. He even had one evening when Nanny looked after him while mummy and daddy went out for a curry (although Nanny had a bit of a problem with the baby monitor and kept going up and down the stairs).

Connor also had loads of fun with his new friends Susanne, Kathryn and David who kept buying him presents and giving him loads of cuddles.

Grandma and Grandad visit 5th to 12th May

Wow its been a while since we posted to start of Grandma and Grandad came to visit and one of there cases was full of stuff for Connor from Australia .It was a lovely visit especially as Lee was in England.They put up a tile splash back up around the cooker which has still not fallen down(only kidding).The weather was great and we took advantage and had a bbq at Bixi and Marias.On the thursday Connors passport arrived from the consulate, So then plans were made to go to England all at the same time.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Greatly loved and will be missed

Today is also a day to celebrate Auntie Beats life and try to think of all the happy times we had together as we know she wouldn´t want us to be sad. We have some wonderful photos from our wedding that we have uploaded. She will be missed and thought about often and Connor will learn all about Auntie Beat as he grows up.

connor is three months

Connor had his three month check up today at the Doctors .He now weighs 5.1kgs thats 11.2lbs for all the oldies out there .That is a little under the average weight of what the charts say is the "norm" but Dr Fiedler doesn´t seem bothered so neither are we.He is now 61cm long and that is 4cm longer than the "norm".It seems like he may be tall in later life.He also had his second set of jabs today even though he has had a cold and a cough last week .But he is definatley feeling better as he screamed the place down.In Germany the also measure circumference of his head and that is 41cm well above average ;He needs all that room for his brains.He is sleeping through the nights most of the time on average 7hrs a night.He enjoys playing with his spider and he smiles and laughs alot.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

connors ten weeks old already

Well ten weeks have gone really quickly.Connor had his first set of jabs and mummy and daddy had a sleepless night lets hope the next set in two weeks arent quite so bad.He also had his first Journey in his car seat to visit Alan and Peter .This was also his first sleep over.He also had the last visit from the midwife unless we need any advice.We cant believe how much he has grown and how much he has changed.He loves to play on his playmat and espically loves his spider.

Bed times are made alot easieer by his mobile that grandma and grandad ward bought him but mummy and daddy are getting fed up with the tune.We can tell how much he has grown by the fact he is now in nappies that are for 5kg to 9kg.Time to go now heres one more photo his mummys favourite.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Connor´s One Month Birthday

Hello again yesterday was Connors one month birthday and he had his first check-up with his new doctor Dr Fiedler. Dr Fiedler thought he was fantastic and doing really well, Connor has grown 4cm and put on nearly 1 kilo and his head is 2cm bigger. While he was there Connor aslo had a scan of his hips and they were fine but the best news of all was that Dr Fiedler couldn´t hear Connors little heart murmer any more.

We also have Connors Nanny Robinson and Uncle Neil visiting at the moment and they like everyone else think he is fatastic. They have both enjoyed loads of cuddles . Uncle Neil is also going to help decerate Connors bedroom this week if mummy (yellow) and daddy (blue) can agree on a colour.
Well ta ta for now Connor sends his love to everyone especially his cousins Caitlin, Ryan, Marc, Emma, Jessica and Paul. Loads of love from us both to.